Sunday, February 24, 2013

Una Utra Semana

Well, somehow I've officially survived another week of extreme heat! Thank goodness for the invention of a freezer and Rosa's ability to make Helado de Mango (ice cream)! Rosa in general is a really amazing cook! Food here consists of an entire plate of rice, some type of carne, and some kind of vegetable (mainly potatoes) or a side of some sort! Peruvians really like their food fried, Rosa goes through a huge thing of vegetable oil every week. However, this does make for a lot of really good flavor especially in all their sauses. Generally the carne consists of chicken, duck, or really chewy beef. Oh they also are strick followers of Fish Fridays during lent. Meals are generally eaten around the same time as we eat in the U.S. except that lunch is the bigger, most important meal of the day.

This week we had dinner and danced Gangdom Style with the San Augustin priests in Chulucanas. I pierced Gianelle's (15 year old host sister) ear, and yes only one, had to pierce the first one twice so didn't really wanna try the other one. But, apparently they don't have places here that can do that for them. Good thing I've seen The Parent Trap? Cut Irma's (7 year old host sister) hair. Once again, apparently they don't have many places that do this for them. Good thing I pay attention when I get my hair cut? Got in several water fights with Othmar (13 year old host brother)! Made lots new friends! Played street games, like kick the can and hop scotch, with the neighborhood kids! Removed paint at the Hogar de los Abuelitos (Home of little Grandparents). And taught more classes at the university!

Lastly, this week has been full of  little things that break my heart:

  • Rosa asked me if in the U.S. we can just turn on a facet and have clean drinkable water come out. 
  • Rosa's mom's house was made out of sticks, cardboard boxes, tarps, and blankets hung on clothes lines for the past two years. This week Haynes built them exteral walls out of thick wood and cement.
  • My family asked me about how big and what my house looks like in the U.S.
  • Rosa can't afford nice knives, so hers are constantly breaking, causing her to have to cut with just the blade part. 
  • They told Gianelle and I to stay out of the sun because we are getting tanner. To them whiter skin is looked at as more beautiful.
  • Watching Rosa have the same day everyday, of cooking, cleaning the dirt floors, and listening to her children yell, fight, and misbehave all day.
Overall another good week here in Chulucanas! Tomorrow I start training to become a Secondario Teacher! School starts a week from Monday!

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