Tuesday, March 12, 2013

El Fin de Verano!

After 9 months of permanent "Summer Vacation" I have finally officially began my first real life job!  My day begins at 7:30 AM with an all school assumbly of presenting the Peruvian flag (duck walk style), the Peruvian national anthum, Santisimo Cruz Colegio anthum, and of course prayer! Following the 20 to 30 minute assumbly students and professors are dismissed to our aulas!

My first week as an official teacher was spent often confused due to the lack of information given to me, the constant schedule changes due to early dismissal at the end of the day due to the first day of school, la dia de la mujer, and the heat of the afternoon, and lack of lesson planning! Not to mention the amount of time I'm left alone in my class with not a clue what to do next, but I guess they trust me?

Teachers are often late to class, or they leave the room to talk to another professor, or they just want to go talk on the phone outside the room. All of which is very normal! However, they are very strict with the kids, the students all stand when you enter the room, ask permission for everything, are not allowed to be late, talk when others are talking, and are yelled at often for bad work or lack of studying.

My favorite part is when we have breaks in the day and I can just sit and talk with the students! They love asking me hundreds of questions! They ask me what my state is like, if I have siblings, if I have a boyfriend and how much I miss him, how long is of a journey was it to get to Peru, what the food is like in the US, etc! Highlight of my Friday was in my last class, a boy at the end of our convo told me I was cool and gave me a kiss on the check! Then all the other students wanted a kiss goodbye too!

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